Sunday, 12 February 2017

And breathe!

You may have noticed we have started our aeration work for 2017 around the course. This is crucial to improve air flow to the roots of the grass plants and assist with drainage. 

This blog includes a quick Vlog (video blog) from the 13th green to explain some of the work that has been going on to it. This is something I want to try more and more, so you can see videos of work's going on.  

The link is here:-

Work on the 13th was quickly carried out. The green was micro hollow cored, cleared (note the cores were used to top up drain lines from the greens drainage work), topdressed and brushed in. 

We then gave the green a roll using the turf iron to smooth this out. 

Also on the greens we have been using the Air2g2 machine, no this is not from Star Wars but it's the machine that blows compressed air into the soil causing this to break up leaving air spaces between soil particles (a mini fracking machine but only in the top 12 inches). This time we have opted for two 12 inches tines and one 8 inch tine giving an almost wave effect as the three tines go into the soil but leaving the surface normal.
Another advantage- this will help us to stop pans (solid areas at various depths) from happening. This happens if aeration is carried out at the same depths all the time as explained in previous blogs. 

The verti draining work is later than originally planned but this has been due to dry Autumn in 2016, meaning the tines would not get to our required depth. When we tested the ground conditions before Christmas it was still bone dry just two inches below the surface. 

This is mainly due to the high thatch content on fairways and something we will have to work on with new legislation about worms...
I know I sound mad now but it's all linked. 
Reducing the thatch and diluting it with sand will be our only line of defence soon as the EU have decided that Horticulture and Agriculture won't be aloud to use the chemicals used to suppress them soon. This will make life tough in the wet winters so we are already planning. This started with our first soil analysis of the fairways. It gave some interesting reading, to me anyway:-)  
The one thing I can't get over with these so called experts making changes (granted if it's for health reasons, I m totally behind it) but I think this will be a game changer for golf and sports pitches moving forward. Agriculture are already saying the knock on effect maybe less food produced, which is great for an increasing world wide population. So what's the answer from the EU? We will need to import more. More from other continents, that don't have the bans... madness. 

Back to the verti-draining and off my soap box. This is a slow process taking around a day to complete two fairways. Please give way to the operator when you see him (play around him). It can take 30mins to complete a single line on a fairway, not including stopping for the golf! 

That's enough from me today, including a video and a rant. Not bad for a quick blog. I have lots of other stuff to blog about but that will have to wait! 

See you soon 


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