Sunday, 16 September 2018

Seed up, green turf off and turfs down...

Hi All,

Just another quick Vlog update from me regarding the 2nd with also updates from 15 and 16 to help keep you informed. Above are pictures of the new look 10th and below are some pictures of the last week but I will leaving the talking too the video!

The link is here:-

Lets have a look at whats been going on...

Hand top dressing the turfs on the 2nd to improve smoothness and fill any gaps

Every greenkeepers nightmare, lifting the turf off the 16th green. This part of the green will be lowered to enable a view of the green surface from the tee. Picture Below shows the digger parked on the green surface ready to start

Area left of the 10th marked to increased height to the mounding
New Mounding left of 10th. We added a swale to remove the water running onto the green in the winter faster

A drain has also been added to the front of 10th Apron

The hollow left of 9th has been bought round into the Apron-linking in on to the hole

The stripped aprons turf being re laid to blend in after shaping
Turf down and first look at the swale. I think it looks great!
I visited Andy Gray Head Groundsman at Saints to talk about how they establish turf so quick from seed. Football do this every year as each year the rebuild the pitch. We don't have the lights but at Staplewood only the first team pitches really use them. It was a good to catch up again and discuss his methods, methods we can help us establish turf on the 2nd.

6 Days after Hydro Seeding the seed popped. Now the work starts to establish it


Thursday, 6 September 2018

2nd Hole Grow in Update

Hi All,

Just a quick video about the second hole explaining what is going on.


The new look 2nd hole

The watering continues on the 2nd to establish grass
